Jhon Cadena's fierce determination to learn English is helping him thrive in Levin.
An adventure from Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland to Kirikiriroa Hamilton helps ELP's learners live and travel more independently in Aotearoa.
Our English Language Partners’ Palmerston North centre was delighted to show their support for ‘Hawke's Bay together in Black and White Day'.
Celebrating diversity and unity, our Palmerston North centre joined Unity Week's 2023 events.
A visit from Governor General Dame Cindy Kiro to English Language Partners Aoraki was a great opportunity for ELP's staff, volunteers and learners to talk about ELP's work welcoming former refugees into Aotearoa.
Our Ethnic Advisory Group plays a vital role in shaping ELP's work and we're delighted to acknowledge their contribution to crafting English Language Partners into the strong, resilient, partnership-focused organisation of today.
Rachel O’Connor, English Language Partners' new Chief Executive, officially joins the organisation
ELP is delighted to welcome Rachel O’Connor as Chief Executive from 12 September 2022.
Matariki gave English Language Partners (ELP) centres the chance to celebrate with whānau and friends, to share kai, and to kōrero about the people and things they're grateful for. And it's our newest public holiday too!
Dr Arif Ali manages two of ELP’s busy centres: Hutt and Porirua. Born in Quetta, Pakistan, Arif is a Hazara who fled after a terrorist attack on his work bus killed friends and students. We're delighted to share Arif's story.
The pandemic has meant we've needed to discuss many complex issues with our newer Kiwis. This year, the nationwide vaccination drive changed the conversation again.
On the 21st October, several Dunedin English Language Partners classes merged together to attend a special presentation from Kate Marshall of the Immunisation Advisory Centre (IMAC) regarding Covid 19 and the Pfizer vaccine.
Viva Shao, English Language Partners’ super-suberb programme administrator, says it’s vital to keep Chinese language alive and thriving in New Zealand.
English Language Partners learners take on Olympic challenge!
“I’m doing what I love and what I am passionate about.” Farzana Nazreen Nisha’s connections with English Language…
Nothing beats real-life practice to perfect the language of ‘transport and travel’ – so an excursion is definitely in o…
Each week, over 1,200 ELPNZ volunteers visit the homes of refugee-background and migrant learners to help with English…
Teacher Kathy Ombler, third left, with learners and course guest speakers All the ‘Ps’ and more on a Kiwiana course…
Porirua City Council really ‘get’ diversity! They’re working hard at building inclusion to ensure all voices are repres…
Marina Vrecic with James McCulloch, CE, ELPNZ Marina Vrecic is celebrating 20 years with English Language Partners…
During New Zealand's COVID-19 lockdown in 2020, ELPNZ’s centres continued teaching all students by changing…
A woman’s conversation and wellbeing group has opened doors for new Kiwi women living in Porirua. The group…
Palmerston North’s annual Festival of Cultures celebrates the city’s amazing, growing diversity. Over the Festival week…
English Language Partners (ELP) joins Race Relations Day events to celebrate our multicultural Aotearoa New Zealand…
After seven months in their new home, our Christchurch centre was finally able to hold an official opening part…
Did you know Aotearoa's five most common languages are English, te reo Māori, Samoan, Mandarin and Hindi…
Company boss Mark Pepperell couldn’t be happier with the specialist skills and attitude of the Filipino tradesmen…
The announcement New Zealand was going into Level 4 lockdown on 25 March 2020 saw English Language…
Guests of our Rotorua centre’s ‘end-of-year' 2020 celebration were treated to a dazzling display of musical skills…
Our centre in Porirua appreciates helping hands for those end-of -year jobs they haven't had time to get on top of…
The Board of English Language Partners New Zealand is delighted to announce the appointment of James McCulloch as Chief Executive from 7 December 2020.
An incredible collaboration between English Language Partners, United Way, ChangeMakers Resettlement…
Te Kawau stream runs through a large part of the north and western suburbs of Palmerston North City. It was an…
Flexibility and adaptability are the key ingredients to ELP’s success, says former CE Nicola Sutton. Ms Sutton…
Bev Killington’s a volunteer home tutor who also helps an ESOL class for learners with low literacy. Bev trained in 201…
Nicola Sutton, Chief Executive | English Language Partners New Zealand ‘Necessity is the mother of invention’…
The resilience I learnt, as a former refugee, gave me the skills to cope during lockdown and to help others who were…
My story begins on 23 March 2020, with an announcement from New Zealand’s Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern…
Travelled overseas? It's really tricky having face-to-face chats with a smattering of the local lingo. Now imagine havi…
With seven children and a husband in the family bubble, Cho Aye Than Aye isn’t short of things to do during lockdown…
Jacqs Wilton, ELP Porirua manager, reflects on her centre’s speedy move to online learning. Since New Zealand moved…
Anna Abbey teaches in a virtual classroom for English Language Partners’ (ELP) Wellington centre
Learning hasn’t stopped at English Language Partners. As get-togethers in person aren't possible, where possible, we've gone online.
CE Nicola Sutton from ELPNZ, reflects on 2020's Year of Lifelong Learning
The saying, “I volunteer. What is your superpower?” seems apt as the world celebrates International Volunteer Day.
Celebrating a huge year of hard work and achievements It was a beautiful sunny day for our Wellington centre’s…
Thuy Tran shares her experiences in searching for employment. She recently started her first job in Wellington.
“The true measure of any society can be found in how it treats its most vulnerable members.” Mahatma Gandhi.
A Nelson initiative is helping former refugees and migrants navigate their way through the complicated systems of New Zealand society.
“His empathy towards victims, I imagine, is birthed out of his own challenges and trials in El Salvador,” Inspector…
Talking to children, as much as you can, in any language, is important, and the first three years are vital; when children’s brains are forming.
During the term break, several members of the ELP Porirua team went on a ‘Learn About Other Faiths’ workshop…
[Link to download poster at end of blog] New Zealand’s population is fast becoming more and more ethnically diverse…
While New Zealand’s welcome for refugees is warm, our nation’s employers are less inclusive when it comes to…
This year we celebrated 40 years of both literacy and language assistance to the community in Tauranga/Western BOP.