
From jetlag to a career in automotive engineering


Upendra Rana, a former New Zealand Certificate in English Language student, just popped in to visit our Porirua centre bouncing with excitement.

He’s just passed his Level 3 Automotive Engineering at Weltec and wanted to share his exciting tertiary study success with his former ELP teacher and staff.

It all started with learning English at ELP Porirua, almost from the moment he got off the plane…

A jetlagged Upendra came to ELP’s centre with his brother, registered for English classes and was assessed and accepted into Porirua’s NZCEL Level 2 course.

Upendra is now ready to start the final  Level 4 Automotive Engineering course. This is fantastic news! While studying, he’s also carrying out work experience in the automotive industry and has been offered paid employment during the holidays.

Well done Upendra!

The full-time course New Zealand Certificate in English Language requires 20 hours of classroom study and 14 hours of self-study per week.  Study is intensive and, with the high level of immersion in English, language learning occurs quickly.

The fact that students spend so much time together adds further support. Friendships form between people from a range of language backgrounds, which means they are communicating in English even outside the classroom.

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New Zealand Certificate in English Language (Level 1)

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