
Welcome to our new tutors!

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Welcome to our latest graduates from our Tutor Training courses around Aotearoa New Zealand.

We have trained many wonderful and generous volunteer tutors this year, and extend our thanks to everyone for their hard work and dedication to help in their communities.

Below, our newest tutors graduating the last tutor training course of the year in the Bay of Plenty. Thank you! We wish them and their learners all the best in their endeavours ahead.

New ELPNZ tutors

And the latest graduates from our Northland centre too! We welcome to all these warm, talented and experienced people into our community, and look forward to supporting them on their journey ahead.

New ELPNZ tutors

Auckland Central centres new tutors join the ELPNZ family too!

Many more volunteer tutors have graduated around New Zealand this year too. If YOU are considering becoming a volunteer tutor next year, get in touch with your nearest English Language Partners centre today and find out how to make it happen!


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