
Keeping safe in Aotearoa

English for Job Seekers

Policing varies around the world and our Bay of Plenty learners, from Sri Lanka, Korea, China, Brazil, Pakistan, Malaysia, Taiwan and India, have just found a great way to learn about policing in New Zealand.

The learners, from our English for Job Seekers and Kiwi Speak classes, talked with local policewoman Leanne Fairburn about dealing with racism.

The classes had recently experienced some verbal issues and wanted to talk honestly with Leanne about coping strategies. Learners say they now feel confident about approaching the New Zealand police, equipped with practical solutions.

“I learnt how to deal with neighbour problems,” says one learner.

Leanne, from Tauranga Community Police, talked about managing the more upsetting events that happen in life – such as burglaries and driving accidents.

“After asking policewoman Leeanne about the first steps to take when burgled,” says English for Job Seekers learner Le Langi, “I learnt about the 105 number as well as the 111 for emergencies.”

Leanne also gave advice on how to manage tricky situations. “She also talked about how to stay safe, as a woman, in the street when I am feeling uncomfortable,” says Le Langi.

Chinni, another English for Job Seekers learner, is on a restricted car licence. “So I asked the policewoman what I need to do first if I have an accident. Her response was helpful.”

“Also, when a situation is bad, we can have our phone recording a horrible conversation from our pocket. Even though not telling the other person.”

Leanne is a great support for our Tauranga centre. The classes loved their time with her, with one learner commenting: “It was amazing, I could understand nearly everything she said!”

The session provided an excellent opportunity for learners to kill two birds with one stone: learn to keep safe in their community, while, of course, extending their English.

English for Job Seekers Teacher Margaret Butler is pictured with Leanne Fairburn and learners. Many thanks to Maureen Kathan, Kiwi Speak teacher, for the photo.

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English for Job Seekers

  • Intensive course (up to 48 hours, flexible hours)
  • Learn how to approach employers
  • Learn to tailor your CV for specific job applications
  • Prepare and practise for job interviews
  • Develop your professional networking skills
  • English level – Intermediate and above (confident users of English)
  • Qualified teachers
  • Small classes
  • Fees may apply. Ask at your centre.
  • In Auckland North Shore, Wellington
  • Find out more

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